A Manger Moment Day 19

A Manger Moment

Have you ever felt like your faith is swallowed up in mystery? Maybe you haven’t felt as close to Him as in previous seasons or unsure exactly how to walk this out? Often times it can seem like mystery is not okay and we are expected to know all the answers. Though sound doctrine is important and encouraged by the Apostle Paul (2 Tim. 4:3), Paul was a man of embracing mystery. In fact, he used the term “mystery” twenty-one times in his epistles in relating to the Gospel.

The Christmas season is no different - A time when we celebrate the birth of the “God-man”, fully human yet fully divine (Col. 2:9, Heb. 4:15). The one who had no sin but yet became sin for us so that we may become the righteousness of God (2 For. 5:21). Oh, what mystery! The very name was sing about and quote during this time, “Emmanuel”, means “God with us”. He’s with you - In the good, in the bad, in the lonely, in the hurting. This is really good news!

However, Paul talks about a deeper mystery hidden from the ages of time, unveiled at his Christ’s crucifixion and on the day of pentecost - Christ in you, the hope of glory! (Col. 1:27). See, God has abolished all views and perspectives of separation imparted into the mind of man from the fall. He beckons us to receive him as redeemer and live in union with his heart - imparting eternal life, now! Lets celebrate this mystery this Christmas - that Christ is not only with us, providing guidance and comfort in tough times, but in us, imparting eternal life and quickening our mortal bodies! ( Rom. 8:11).

-DJ Strickland

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