June 19th - Update

What's happening this week

Work is quickly progressing on the Student Center.  The framing in the Kids area will be completed this week, then the metal fabrication of the stairs and the mezzanine begins.  On the Teen side, sheetrock will be finished and paint goes on walls next week.  Court flooring has been ordered as well.  You will begin to see outside sidewalks formed within the next couple of weeks as well.

Financial update:

In total since the launching of this building program in October of 2019, 238 families and/or companies have joined us in this great adventure.  We knew this project was too big for us but not too big for the God we serve.  We are so close to the finish line.  Prayerfully consider spreading the word and continuing to help advance the Kingdom of God.

 Estimated completion date:  End of November 2024
- Estimated cost of build originally: $3.2 million
- Estimated completion cost: $2.2 million
- Secured $1.5 million loan from bank
- Need to raise $300,000 to meet the difference before completion of project
- We are also praying that we can enter this building DEBT FREE.  God shall supply!!!!

We have seen numerous financial miracles throughout this process and we know God is all in this.  This building is only a tool for God's work and man is it a great one.